Friday, April 23, 2021

READ: Supreme Court Justice Bolick's Order Re: Election Audit Special Action

 Here are the legal updates on the State Senate's/Cyber Ninjas' election audit/recount. For more details, please visit our previous article and our sidebar about the judge assignment process.

Thursday afternoon, the Arizona Democratic Party and County Supervisor Steve Gallardo sued to stop the audit from taking place.

Friday morning, Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury held a hearing on the request for a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) to stop the audit. He ordered a "pause" over the weekend (until noon, Monday) IF the Democrats posted a $1M bond to cover damages if their case was thrown out. He ALSO ordered that the Senate/Ninjas produce their policies/procedures for conducting the audit and that they follow all state laws.

The State Senate filed an Emergency Special Action with the Arizona Supreme Court to overturn Judge Coury's "pause", among other things. The Democrats decided not to post the bond, so the "pause" was off the table and the audit could continue on Saturday and Monday morning.

This afternoon, Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick heard arguments on the Special Action. He took no action, praised Judge Coury's handling of the morning hearing, and ordered an updated pleading from the State Senate on Tuesday, responses on Wednesday, and a reply on Thursday. Either Justice Bolick - who is the "duty Justice" for the next week - or the entire Supreme Court will take it from there.

Here are the Special Action Petition, the Motion for Emergency Stay (mooted), and Justice Bolick's Order: 

 "AZ Law" includes articles, commentaries and updates about opinions from the Arizona Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court, as well as trial and appellate courts, etc. AZ Law is founded by Phoenix attorney Paul Weich, and joins Arizona's Politics on the internet. 

AZ Law airs on non-profit Sun Sounds of Arizona, a statewide reading service that provides audio access to printed material for people who cannot hold or read print material due to a disability. If you know someone who could benefit from this 24/7 service, please let them know about member-supported Sun Sounds. And, YOU can donate or listen here. 

Previous episodes of AZ Law can be streamed or downloaded here, or wherever you get your podcast.


  1. What do the Democrats have to hide?????

  2. And now Judge Coury has recused himself.

  3. If they didn't know there was fraud they let this happen just to prove a point and gloat about it.. Their resistance tells you everything you need to know.. Trump was right about everything! WWG1WGA Godspeed

  4. Democrats really are the lowest of the low life’s on this planet. May you all call on Jesus and repent, OR, rot in hell!

  5. This audit may destroy the Democratic party.. when they make visible the overwhelming about of fraud, corruption, and outright sedition that took place. Get the firing squads out.

    1. Unfortunately, because the slimy Democrats have no arguments left, they did what they always do - dirty tricks. The Dems hired an atty that worked w Judge Coury previously triggering Judge Coury's need to recuse himself. This is a dirtbag unethical maneuver by the sleazeball Democrats.

  6. Where's the military that has SWORN an oath to our constitution!!!

    1. They WILL be coming soon when there is enough PUBLIC evidence that the current Democratic "Government" is not fit for purpose...
      I say "public evidence" because the public NEED to be onside with the military when it happens otherwise we will see similar responses as what's happening in Myanmar.
      Infact, keep an eye on Myanmar: it's suspiciously like a "test run" for the USA....

    2. Don't hold your breath or you will asphyxiate yourself , all the top brass are in the mess hall drinking tea if not they would have stepped in and re-run the election , but I suppose they need to be certain before they take any action , if they were wrong ; reprisals could end up with them in GITMO and in front of the firing squad and not the fraudulent Dems

  7. Our thanks and prayers to all of those involved in correcting this theft of a Nations' soul. God bless all of you, WWG1WGA

    1. Where We Go One, We Go All.

      It's from a film whose name I cannot remember. I'm sure someone will enlighten you.


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