Sunday, November 27, 2022

READ: Maricopa County's Report On Election Day Issues Shows All But 13 Printer>Tabulator>Leaving Vote Center Ballots Have Been Counted

Maricopa County today released an election report to the Attorney General's Office and in advance of tomorrow's Board of Supervisors meeting to canvass the results. 

In it, they explain in detail how they handled the ballots of people who left one Vote Center after checking in to cast their ballot at a second Vote Center. Of those 206 voters, all but 13 have had their votes included in the final results. Two of those refused to put their 2nd ballot in a provisional envelope, and the County could not verify that there had been a printer or spoiled ballot issue prompting the other 11 to get a new ballot at a different location.

(On a personal note, the report seems to confirm that I was able to rescue a voter's early ballot. The facts are convoluted, but she left my Vote Center before the Poll Worker helping her could get her checked-out (aka un-checked in).  Today's report shows there was no variance at our location, indicating the County likely reviewed and confirmed our documentation. Her vote counted!)

"AZ Law" includes articles, commentaries and updates about opinions from the Arizona Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court, as well as trial and appellate courts, etc. AZ Law is founded by Phoenix attorney Paul Weich, and joins Arizona's Politics on the internet. 

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