Tuesday, January 21, 2020

LISTEN: "AZ Law's" Jan. 18 Broadcast - Interview With Supreme Court Chief Justice, Band of Brothers, AG Sues Vaping Companies, More

In this installment of "AZ Law", we feature our interview with Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Brutinel, along with articles from AZ Law, KJZZ, the Arizona Daily Star and Capitol Media Services.
In the interview, Chief Justice Brutinel addresses the "perfect storm" of factors that led the Arizona Supreme Court to set two new records during the past month. He also addresses his priorities for 2020, including mental health and bail reform.
Here is the article listing:
  1. Interview with Chief Justice Robert Brutinel (Weich, AZ Law)
  2. Band of Brothers: Fmr AZ AG's Side With Brnovich In (Part Of) His Battle With Board of Regents (Weich, AZ Law)
  3. Attorney General Files Suit Against Vaping Companies (Fischer, Capitol Media Services)
  4. TUSD Seeks End of Court Oversight In Decades-Old Desegregation Cast (Khmara, Star)
  5. Ruling Expected Soon In Pinal Transportation Tax Case (Jenkins, KJZZ)

"AZ Law" includes articles, commentaries and updates about opinions from the Arizona Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court, as well as trial and appellate courts, etc.
More on these cases and other legal news can be found at ArizonasLaw.org.
AZ Law also airs on non-profit Sun Sounds of Arizona, a statewide reading service that provides audio access to printed material for people who cannot hold or read print material due to a disability. If you know someone who could benefit from this 24/7 service, please let them know about member-supported Sun Sounds. And, YOU can donate or listen here.
Thanks for listening, and your input is appreciated - Paul.Weich.AZlaw@gmail.com.

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